Y2kTots as an organization was build only on volunteership. Since inception in the year 2000 we as students had volunteered for various projects for the organization taking time from our studies and went on to make a change in the society on a positive note. Today after 25 years we still relay on our volunteers, who are from various walks of life, to continue with what we had started off as students. From our volunteering experience we surely can tell you that you will
a) Develop new skills once you go through life’s different experiences
b) Create a sense of Social responsibility
c) Gain new perspective towards life and will start to love it more.
d) Feel wanted, the moment you are surrounded by people who needs your help will make you feel that you are the most needed person in their life.
e) Gain more heartwarming smiles which will be the best incentives you ever achieved and cannot be even compared with the satisfaction from any paid job.
f) Be giving back to the community for the favours you received from it.
To keep you abreast with our ongoing activities and also to solicit your active participation for the same, we welcome you to register yourself online with us as it would help us in refining our approach. Your advices, tips and feedbacks would be great assets to us.