Y2ktots as the name implies came into existence in the year 2000 as a student voluntary organization in Bangalore and was our way of bringing smiles and happiness in the lives of indigent children. Since the formation, the organization was actively involved with lots of welfare activities for the underprivileged children associating with various juvenile homes, destitute homes and orphanages. Believing in the power of youth to bring positive changes in the life of these needy children the organization devised a series of programs focusing on Education, Healthcare and for the overall development of these unfortunate lesser known children of God.
Today after 25 years since its formation, the organization has youths from every walks of life as its active volunteers and is serving the society in a much more broader area always trying to reach out to address the need of the time causes, be it be the recent natural calamities like Kerala Floods to the devastating cyclone ‘GAJA‘ that shattered the dreams of many in the delta region of Tamil Nadu. Well-being ventures focusing on promoting education among the underprivileged children as well as other general projects that help the poor and needy of the society are also implemented with the support of like-minded.
Even as you read this somewhere a child is missing a family. A mother. A brother. His life has been shattered by an earthquake. A flood.Riots. Or even simple abandonment. He is lost, lonely and very afraid. The child has no where to go and no one to turn to. The child losses hope. You might have seen this child, freezing in cold nights on footpaths, stretching hands for alms at traffic signals, exploited, abused…. The reality pains…
Actual encounters with these children and the life-changing experiences gained from them prompted our founding managing trustee Mr.Renjith George , then a computer Engineering student to form this noble initiative with few other like-minded students who believed in the virtue of humanity more than anything.
Its time to waken ourselves and lend our hand to support the flood and disaster affected. The flood and disaster affected people of kerala and tamilnadu needs your support now. As an organization who is working on the ground zero we did help many of them with the limited resources we could gather till now. Most of these people have turned penniless because their livelihood was affected , crops destroyed and job conditions affected. Also, the help expected from the Govt: authorities are also on a minimum scale because of the vastness of the calamity. They are trying to rebuild their lost lives from the bits and pieces left out. They have been helped a lot with the relief materials from various sources but still, the question of restructuring their lost homes and rebuilding their lives is a dilemma for them as most of the people who are Worsley affected are poor people who depend on daily wages for their livelihood.
Let’s Unite and Kindly extend our helping hands to bring back the displaced to normal life. As one nation let’s get together and bestow hope on to the unfortunate of our brothers and sisters , affected by flood and landslides… Lets’s take a stand to provide the necessities and comfort needed….
An effort made for the happiness of others lifes us above ourselves.